Does AI Content Rank in Google? Latest Results Inside

Are you ready to step into the world of AI content?

Hold on to your seats, folks, because we’re about to dive into the world of machine-generated writing and see if it really can rank on Google.

Does AI content rank?

Spoiler alert: Yes, articles written by AI can rank on Google, and it’s becoming more common.

But why, you ask?

Well, AI has a few tricks up its virtual sleeves – it can write faster, more accurately, and on a larger scale than humans.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for businesses looking to dominate the competition, doesn’t it?

In this post, we’ll explore the proof that AI content can indeed rank on Google and share some tips for anyone thinking about using AI writing tools.

Does AI content rank in Google featured image

Proof that AI content ranks

Here are screenshots of some keyword rankings I have on this website and another small affiliate site.

Here is the small affiliate site rankings on the 2nd of November 2022.

Google rankings for the second of November 2022 on a small affiliate site

And here are some of the rankings for this site on the 2nd of November 2022 (I’ve marked out the rankings for pages that weren’t touched by AI).

Google rankings for this website on November 2 2022

The rankings for this website don’t look so great.

However, considering the low authority and strength of this website, this is where it should be. And only one of these pages has any backlinks.

As a solo blogger, I know firsthand how tough it can be to juggle all the tasks that come with running a website.

That’s why I rely heavily on AI tools to help with my writing.

And let me tell you, if AI content didn’t rank well, I wouldn’t waste my time with it. But lucky for me (and you), it does!

My go-to AI writing tool is Outranking. In my experience, it’s the best option for creating SEO-friendly content without any of the fluff or lies that some other AI tools are known for.

It’s a real lifesaver for a solo blogger like myself who doesn’t have a writing team or the resources to outsource content.

So if you’re a solo blogger or small business owner looking for a little extra help with your writing, give Outranking (or one of the many other great AI writing tools out there) a try.

You might just find it to be a game-changer for your content marketing strategy.

You can check out my review of Outranking here.

Here are some of the reasons why AI content ranks in Google.

Why does Google rank AI content?

The short answer is: because it’s good at following the rules.

Google is a machine, after all, and it relies on algorithms to determine how well a piece of content ranks.

And let’s be real, sometimes it’s easier for a machine to follow the rules and optimize for those ranking factors than it is for us humans (no offense, human writers).

But seriously, if you want your content to rank well on Google, it’s all about having the right keywords and topics in the right places and amounts.

Sorry to disappoint, but Google’s algorithms don’t care about how mesmerizing your writing is (sorry, not sorry).

Now, if you’re thinking about using AI writing tools to help with your content, you’re in luck.

There are plenty of options out there, and depending on which one you choose, you might even end up with output that’s higher quality than the average human writer (oops, did I just burn myself?).

Just remember to use AI as one tool in your content marketing toolkit – it’s not a magic solution, but it can certainly be a helpful one.

What is AI-generated content?

If you’re not familiar with AI-generated content, let me fill you in.

Basically, it’s written by a computer using artificial intelligence tools and deep learning algorithms to produce texts that are easy for humans to read and understand. The goal is to create writing indistinguishable from the real deal (i.e. human-written content).

But how does it work?

Essentially, the AI looks at the data it was trained on and uses a probability scale to predict which word it should use next. And the beauty of it is that you can use AI-generated content for all sorts of things – blog posts, marketing copy, video scripts, even just generating ideas for your next masterpiece.

Now, before you get too excited, it’s worth noting that there are some potential downsides to using AI-generated content.

It might lack that personal touch, and there’s always the risk of low-quality or plagiarized content. That’s why it’s important to proofread and edit the output before publishing it.

In summary, AI-generated content is created by computers to mimic human writing. It’s a handy tool in your content marketing toolkit, but it’s still in its early days, so it pays to be cautious.


How to detect AI-generated content?

Ever read an article and wonder, “Is this the work of a machine or a human?”

Well, there’s no surefire way to detect AI-generated content, but there are a few clues you can keep an eye out for.

  1. One giveaway is the presence of fluff content – those wordy paragraphs that just seem to inflate the word count without actually saying anything of value.
  2. Another red flag is the use of vague or overused language that’s meant to make the writing sound more human (but really just comes off as robotic).
  3. And if you come across a piece that’s chock full of inaccuracies, it’s possible it was written by an AI tool that prioritized creativity over fact-checking.

Now, there are tools like that claim to be able to detect AI-generated content, but even they’re not foolproof. So really, the best way to tell if a piece of content was written by a machine is to just use your gut (and maybe a little bit of common sense).

Can Google detect AI-generated content?

So, can Google detect AI-generated content?

It’s a tricky question, but the short answer is probably yes.

Remember how I mentioned earlier that AI works by predicting the next word it should use based on a probability scale?

Well, that’s how it “thinks,” and if we know how it thinks, it’s easier to spot the signs of machine-generated writing.

Plus, with tools like already out there, it’s safe to assume that Google has something even more sophisticated and accurate for detecting AI content. After all, the search giant is known for constantly updating and improving its algorithms.

So if you’re risk-averse, you might want to think again. Better to play it safe and stick to human-written content.


Conclusion: AI content ranks!

Well, there you have it – AI content can rank on Google. And really, it makes sense.

At the end of the day, Google’s primary goal is to give users the best results that match their search intent.

So whether the content is written by a human or a machine, as long as it satisfies that search intent and is optimized for the right keywords and topics, it should be able to rank.

In other words, don’t be afraid to try AI-generated content in your content marketing strategy.

Just remember to proofread and edit it to ensure it’s of high quality, and use it in conjunction with other best practices like keyword optimization and on-page SEO. And who knows, you might find that AI-written content is valuable in your quest for higher search engine rankings.

And if you need a reliable AI writing tool, be sure to check out Outranking.

It’s a great option for creating SEO-friendly content without any of the fluff or lies that some other tools are known for.

Give it a try and see how it can help your content stand out from the competition.